Gods’ Collections
Places of worship of all traditions – here for convenience all called ‘temples’ – have always accumulated collections. Today some temples have generated great art museums, while others just keep a few old things in a sacristy cupboard. This project looks at why and how these collections have developed, how they have been looked after, and how understanding of them has changed over the millennia.
Recent years have seen a considerable study of 'collection', 'collecting', and why people collect. Here we consider collections in the very distinct context of places of worship. The project encompasses a website and series of events leading to a publication (or series of publications). An introductory essay outlining the scope of the project, can be accessed via the ‘Essay’ tab at the top of this page.
We very much welcome comments, suggestions and contributions.
Crispin Paine and Jessica Hughes
Header image: Myanmar section, World Buddhist Museum, Temple of the Tooth, Kandy, Sri Lanka. Photograph by Crispin Paine.